Payment Instructions

To complete your payment, please scan the QR code below using your mobile payment app Google Pay

QR Code for Payment

Follow these steps to complete your payment:

  1. Scan the QR Code for Payment: Use the provided QR code to make your payment.
  2. Enter the Amount: Add the exact amount based on the number of tickets you need.
    Example: If you want 5 tickets, pay ₹50 (1 ticket = ₹10).
    Important: Random amounts like ₹1, ₹23, or ₹46 will not qualify for any tickets.
  3. Payment Verification: We verify your payment details, such as the amount and recipient.
  4. Receive Ticket Codes via Email:
    For 1 ticket (₹10), you will receive a single ticket code.
    For 10 tickets (₹100), you will receive 10 unique codes in one email.
  5. Wild Card Selection: We randomly select a ticket code as the Wild Card winner.
    If your code matches the draw, you will receive a registration email to join the league.
  6. NOTE :

    While making the payment, please mention your email and game UID in the "Add Note" section.

If you need assistance, feel free to contact us at